Work with us today.


No gimmicks – just respect and support

We take our responsibilities very seriously – not only to our clients, but to anybody who works on behalf of Take Charge.

We don’t do ‘gimmicks’ to get you on board. Instead, we offer an enjoyable and supported experience:

  • Full professional support: our dedicated staff take care of all referrals, invoicing, insurances, accreditation, and (where appropriate) premises

  • Better remuneration: not only are the hourly rates some of the best offered by similar agencies, we also reimburse for expenses such as travel, accommodation (when necessary) and PPE, as well as paying the same rate for writing reports, training and professional development

  • We value your flexibility: you have the freedom to accept referrals or decline them when you want a break; we don’t insist on anyone taking a set number of referrals a week

  • On-site and/or remote: choose to deliver your care through on-site visits and/or remotely via telehealth

  • Devices and apps included: join as permanent or part-time and we’ll provide your work laptop, phone, and Google Suite apps

  • Professional development: we offer regular opportunities for mentoring from senior clinicians, and for you to informally learn more about new areas of practice that might interest you

  • We value your safety: every home you visit has been risk assessed

  • We respect your commitments to others: you’re free to work full-time, part-time or in a sub-contracting capacity

In short: we aim to look after our people properly, in a hundred small ways.


Current vacancies

Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists, Physiotherapists, Psychologists

Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth

Full time, Permanent part time, Contract, Casual

See current listings >


Elle’s story.

When I think about other places I’ve worked as an occupational therapist, I realise now how little support some of them really offered. You had to cope with everything yourself – and other longer-term support, like training, didn’t seem to rate very high on their radar.

That’s the big difference about Take Charge. Senior management really know the work and know what kind of support truly makes a difference. Governance, paperwork, contracts – there’s alot to keep track of in this profession, but Take Charge really know how to back you up as a clinician.

I’m proud to say I was actually complemented on the last assessment report I wrote – which has never happened before, because I used to hate writing reports! The difference is I’ve been working closely with Robyn and the rest of the Reporting Team. They’re great. I chat with them all the time now.

What’s been a highlight of my year so far? When someone said “You’re bloody good at your job!” It made me laugh! But the truth is, it’s easier for me to be good at my job because Take Charge are taking care of the business side. It means I’m free to concentrate on being the best OT I can be.


Start with an informal chat.

Please complete the form below and we’ll be in touch. We want to hear about your circumstances and specialities, and then guide you through the onboarding processes.

Take Charge respects your privacy. Please view our Privacy Policy here.

