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See what we can do for you

We know that you face a high-pressure environment and your time is valuable. You have a lot asked of you and we understand the challenges you face every day. That's why we're here to support you.

  • With an extensive roster of reliable and responsible health professionals, we can match participants with the therapies they need quickly and accurately. No waitlists.

  • A support coordinator’s time is precious – and so we set a quick tempo to the working week. As an example, we generally turn around referral forms within one business day.

  • Reports that get results. Our clinicians draw on the expertise of our team leaders; together they write quality-checked reports that secure the appropriate funding the first time – and maximise your reputation and commercial standing.

  • When a referral will benefit from a specific skill – such as a paediatric specialisation, or mental health experience, or community language background – we take note. Good outcomes always start with good pairings between clinicians and participants.

  • We’re upfront about what we stand for. Instead of being ‘all things to all people’, we keep our focus squarely on our core specialities: OT, psych, speech and physio.

  • Did you know that 40% of therapy sessions are now delivered over the phone or Zoom? We’ve taken the lead in offering flexible post-COVID options that reduce service bottlenecks.

  • We’ve allocated extra resources to keep all stakeholders in the loop: from making sure support coordinator/participant onboarding happens in-person, to dedicated intake help to make sure everything goes smoothly in the crucial first weeks, to regularly staying in touch so our relationships stay close and informative.


Why Support Coordinators like working with us


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